Legal information

1 - Warning

The information contained in these pages is provided for information purposes only.
The AMEG Group accepts no responsibility for the content of these pages or the use that may be made of them.

2 - Presentation

The website, a site of the AMEG group; (hereinafter referred to as "AMEG"), allows in particular:

2.1. - consultation of information on AMEG

2.2. - consultation of information on the areas of activity and services offered by AMEG

2.3 - the possibility of consulting information on recruitment, jobs and vacancies within AMEG.

3 - Legal representation and management of the publication

3.1 Publisher of the service: AMEG, a public limited company with a capital of 263,340 Euros, whose registered office is located at 13 rue de la Tuilerie, 38170 SEYSSINET-PARISET (France), registered in the GRENOBLE Trade and Companies Register under number 422 685 297.

3.2. Legal representative: Matthieu LUQUES, Co-Manager AMEG / Director of the publication: Matthieu LUQUES, Co-Manager AMEG

3.3 Design and development :
- graphic design: Creanomy - Julien Raimond
- web development: Walt - digital agency

3.4. Photo and video credits :
Ameg group - Pexels - Unplash - Shutetrstock

3.5. Host: OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 ROUBAIX

Conditions of access and use

4.1. Access to the website is open to all.

4.2. Consultation of the site is subject to the French regulations in force. The information provided in this case does not claim to be exhaustive.

5 - Technical means

5.1. Before using the service, it is up to users to contact their access provider to ensure that the browser used allows access to the website in a secure configuration.

5.2. Similarly, before any use, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the pages viewed are up to date, after having emptied their cache or taken into account the operation of their Proxy.

6 - Technical warning

6.1. The user of the website acknowledges that he/she has checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in good working order.

6.2. The user of the website also acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to comply with it.

6.3. The user acknowledges having been informed that the website is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties linked to the structure of the telecommunications network, other technical difficulties or maintenance operations.

7 - Intellectual property rights

7.1. The general structure, texts, images, whether animated or not, and all the elements making up this website are protected and are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

7.2. Any total or partial reproduction of this site or of any of its elements without the express prior authorisation of AMEG is prohibited.

7.3. Any use of the logos on this site, including but not limited to AMEG, as well as the commercial names held by AMEG and/or its partners, is prohibited without the authorisation of the rights holders.

7.4. Any representation or reproduction of this site or any of its elements, by any means whatsoever, would constitute an infringement.

8 - Hypertext links

8.1. The hypertext links set up within the framework of the website leading to other resources on the Internet network do not engage the responsibility of AMEG, in particular its responsibility with regard to the entire content of the other direct or indirect resources.

8.2. AMEG is not responsible for hyperlinks to this site and prohibits anyone from setting up such a link without its express prior authorisation.

9 - Use of cookies

9.1 Internet users of the site are informed that, when accessing this site, information may be temporarily stored in memory or on their hard disk in order to facilitate navigation on the site and to allow possible use of the personal space. Internet users of the site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorise AMEG to use it. They may also oppose the recording of cookies by using the corresponding functions on their browser. However, AMEG draws the attention of Internet users to the fact that, in such a case, access to certain services on the site may be altered or even impossible.